HTF Supervisor m/f

ID 51-5685739
0000 weltweit
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HTF Supervisor m/f

This is an in-plant position with responsibility to ensure the operational availability and functionality of the HTF system. This includes safe, reliable, environmentally compliant, efficient, and economical repair of equipment and the periodic maintenance program through proper planning for the generation of solar heat.
Supervision of the planned mechanical and electrical maintenance and repair
functions of all equipment including pumps, motors, vessels, valves, HTF Heater,HTF control system etc.
Management, coordination and expedititing the planning, procurement, and flow of materials and supplies for maintenance work with the ERP responsible.
Ensure that work is performed safely and within procedural compliance. Review
routine maintenance requirements to determine what improvement measures are needed for effective and reliable operations.
Start: Mai2021
Duration: 1 Y
Responsible for all maintenance services necessary to operate and maintain the HTF system, including all associated and appurtenant mechanical and electrical components in order to minimize solar island downtime.
Supervise daily activities of the maintenance staff.
Implement and update an equipment repair and preventive maintenance
programme that meets the specifications of the equipment suppliers including
equipment failure records.
Establish maintenance manuals and procedures
Ensure that the plant s maintenance and vendor maintenance and repair
manuals are properly filed.
Support the maintenance and operation manager to prepare the annual
operation and maintenance plan.
Provide and prepare requisitions for purchase orders for replacement parts, as required.
Prepare correspondence, reports, and records.
Prepare and maintain the solar field maintenance manual.
Responsible for implementation of strategic preventative and predictive
maintenance program for the facilities
Monitor the annual budget and tracking monthly. Submit the proposed
maintenance budget
Requires an associate degree in technical field or equivalent
Arabic, English, preferably with German.
Requires (2 years) maintenance experience at a power plant
Willing to work in Desert areas.
Professional knowledge:
Experience required with resolving immediate solar field equipment problems
Ability to train maintenance personnel to improve their understanding of how
they can positively impact system and unit performance
Strong people, technical, financial and computer skills, proficiency with
Microsoft Applications (MS-Office, MS-Project)
We are pleased on its meaningful application documents inclusive photo, preferably by mail on
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Ihre Herausforderung: - Großprojekt in Libyen - Unterstützung der geschäftsführenden Projektleiters in allen administrativen und
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Kleinanzeige St Florian Stellenmarkt Mitarbeiter/in Projektleitung
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Kleinanzeige Beckingen Stellenmarkt Vertriebspartner, dringend !!!
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