Unique plot of land- Sighet Romania-1381 sqm For sale
Unique plot of land- Sighet Romania-1381 sqm For sale The plot of land is located in front of train station a very crowded place
Sighet Romania
Kleinanzeige Romania Immobilien Ladenflaeche Unique plot of land- Sighet Romania-1381 sqm For sale
Plot of land Sugau Sighet-Maramures-488838 sqm-For sale
Plot of land Sugau Sighet-Maramures-488838 sqm-For sale The plot of land is located around Sighetu Marmatiei, and is composed
Sighet Romania
Kleinanzeige Romania Immobilien Ladenflaeche Plot of land Sugau Sighet-Maramures-488838 sqm-For sale
Block of 36 apartaments whith one room For sale
Block of 36 apartaments whith one room For sale Best investment for the next future The block is located in center of the
Sighet Romania
Kleinanzeige Romania Immobilien Eigentumswohnung-1-u-2-zimmer Block of 36 apartaments whith one room For sale
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