Planned breed - working GSD
Kennel of pedigree dogs Lupus Frater FCI registred in ZKwP (ZKwP is the only Polish organisation, which gives FCI pedigrees) offers puppies from Czech working lines.
Parents of puppies:
father: Zarko z Jirkova dvora (IPO 3, FPr 3, ZVV 2, SPr 2)
mother: Voxa Hronovsky Pramen (BH, ZZO, FPr 1, FPR 2, FH 1)
Planned date of bitrh - about 20 June2021, planned date of reception - about 20 August2021.
We recommend to sports (IPO, Mondoring, tracking, etc.) for very active and requiring owners.
For price, photos and more info,
contact me: