Dear Sirs, We are looking to buy a used formw
Dear Sirs, We are looking to buy a used formwork scaffoldingsystem in a very good condition for slab, we arelooking for Doka system Flex 20 for slab or equivalentsuch as PERI or other similar quick system.Area of Slab(floor) required = 4500 m2, Height of slab= 3 m ( 500m2 out of the above area tobe adjusted for more height).Slab weight = 750 kg/ m2You are kindly requested to send me your bestquotation as soon as possible.Best regards, Ashraf Abu SaadTel. 962 79 5552239Fax 962 6 5663682E-mail: abusaad(at)wanadoo.joP.O.Box 921216 11192Amman-Jordan