Ozcevik FurnitureDear Sir/ Madam, Firstly, I
Ozcevik FurnitureDear Sir/ Madam, Firstly, I would like to thank you for the time devoted to read this letter.We are a domestic furniture manufacturer and exporter company based in Ankara-Turkey. We have an experience dating back to 1985 as a furniture manufacturer.As can be seen in our web site :www.ozcevikmobilya.com.tr most of our products are handcrafted addressing to all customer preferences and having modern and antique designs.Our products are manufactured within our official registered designs.But , we can also produce on order basis and with the customers own design preferences since we are a manufacturer company. We have the oppurtunity to alter the designs or change the required parts of the products.We can supply all kinds of designs from classical to modern and contemporary furniture ranges.Our web site, www.ozcevikmobilya.com.tr, shows only a small version of our quality designs. We will be pleased to send you any further information you may require.Waiting for your requirements and orders, I remain with, Kindest regards, IBRAHIM CEVIKGeneral ManagerOzcevik Mobilya Ltd. Co.Akbal str. No:8 SitelerAnkara / TURKEYTel: 90 312 350 69 75 Fax: 90 312 348 21 78E-mail: bordo(at)ozcevikmobilya.com.trWeb: www.ozcevikmobilya.com.tr Tax Number: 674 00 620 54 ANOTE: WE CAN PROVIDE CUSTOMIZED MANUFACTURING FOR YOU