Home for sale in Cape Coral, FLORIDA, USA, POOL, 189000 $
House for sale: 3315 SW 11th place, Cape Coral, Fl 33914 (3 bedroom, 2 bathroom) Remodeling done : master bathroom and guest bathroom have natural stone on the floor and walls, each bathroom has 2 baths with water jets, new faucets. Master bathroom has LED lighting around the bathtub, and along the wall of the master bathroom, mirror slide doors were installed. All house was reconstructed with new electricity and plumbing. Kitchen has new cabinets made from natural oak, and have LED lighting above and below them. The counter tops in kitchen are made with natural stone (granite).
In living room, there is a fireplace made from natural stone, that stands in the middle of the living space. The house has a very big lanai, with a designed place for a grill having granite counter tops, and oak cabinetry. The house has a full size pool that is 3 meters deep, that has been completely renovated.
The house is completely repainted inside and outside.
Air conditioner has been installed less than a year ago, the water heater is less than 6 months old.
The house has a two-car garage with a special flooring, so that the car tires do not leave black or otherwise harmful marks. Garage has a designated place for laundry. The washer and dryer are included with the house (no charge). Also, garage has a section that is designed for tools.
House has a very big yard, with irrigation System and fabulous landscaping done on the backyard as well as the front yard. The backyard has a garden that includes fruit trees such as: peaches, 2 oranges, avocado, papaya, lemon, lime, pomegranate, lychee, and 3 mangoes.
The house has irrigation and well water; however, is currently connected to the city's water supply.
House is located in one of the best regions of Cape Coral. The neighborhood is very quiet, and has no crime, close by there are a few grocery and home supply stores. The house is located less than 5 minutes from the beach. Less than 4 miles away from house there are many different schools to choose from, one being one of the hundred best schools of USA.
A little bit about Cape Coral SW Florida. The demography of Cape Coral consists of 95% white people. It is often called the city of canals because of the quantity of canals. Cape Coral has more canals than Venice. Cape Coral has little to no crime, taking a high place in that category. Cape Coral has a very good location, being very close to many big cities: Miami ( 2.5 hours), Tampa (2.00 hours) and Orlando (2.50 hours). The city has very good fishing, Pine Island (15 min) that it close to Cape Coral is one of the best fishing spots in the world.
This is a general information about, if there is any further information that may interest you, feel free to contact us.
Otis Jonuskis
Self Realty
9990 Coconut Road #378
Bonita Springs FL 34135
Cell: 239-777-4741
Fax: 239-330-1434
otis78@gmail.com http://mbox.bigmir.net/compose/1248069107/?cto=op%2BjzW2GbH%2BYj5yqfJCsuQ%3D%3D