Real estate for sale in Orbottyan (Hungary), 17 km from Budapest

ID VSI4544880
2162 Orbottyan Ungarn
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Real estate for sale in Orbottyan (Hungary), 17 km from Budapest

Real estate for sale in Orbottyan (Hungary), 17 km from Budapest as follows:
1.) 2 separate buildings on 5 acres of park and forest with ancient trees consisting of 6 apartments.

Building A: 2 apartments (118 +68 sq.mtrs) with large terraces and a covered picnic area (54 sq.
Meters), cellar (20 sq. mtrs) and a stall (90 sq.mtrs), 11 garages (totally 265 sq mtrs). Common
central heating, electricity, running water
Indicative price: EUR 435000
Building B : 4 apartments (currently rented) with separate PB heating, electricity and running
1 pc 54 sq mtrs
1 pc 51 sq mtrs
1 pc 34 sq mtrs
1 pc 35 sq mtrs
+ 1 pc 38 sq mtrs storage facility
Indicative price: EUR 110000

2.) Residence house consisting of 5 apartments (currently rented )
of wich -
2 pcs 53 sq meters with 2 bedrooms
2 pcs 63 sq. Meters with 2 bedrooms
1 pc 87 sq. Meters with 3 bedrooms
The apartments are all heated independently with PB gas, and are all furnished with electricity and
running water. All of them have a chimney for stoves.
Indicative price: EUR 215000 for the whole building (the apartments can be sold separately, too)
3.) Farm buildings: 2 stall buildings with 958 sq.mtrs on 1 acre land each
The buildings are to be renewed or transformed for other use.
Indicative price: HUF 18 million each
To rent:
4.) 22 acres land for agricultural use and forest nearby the real estates above (it is divided and
registered for 1 acre separate areas ) The whole territory is supplied with electricity and the main
telephone line is also installed.
For further information:
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