Relaxing Holidays in Crete Greece at the cozy Apokoros Hotel

ID UH478323
73003 Kalives Crete
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Relaxing Holidays in Crete Greece at the cozy Apokoros Hotel

Vacations in the charming, seaside Kalives village in the greenest district of Crete. Kalives village is hewn among the White Mountains, Cretan Sea, Xidas River, vineyards and olive groves.
APOKOROS Family Hotel Apt is a charming hotel quietly situated on the hill Kasteli and by the sandy beach, it s a five minute stroll into the centre of the village. Owners make you feel at home and offer welcome drink, sweets, small gifts for children, and above all they offer you their generous heart.
Stay in ultimate comfort with our fully furnished and equipped studios and apartments. Conveniently layed out, you can relax and enjoy the environment. Our Hotel is a step away from the sandy beach so near you hear the nostalgic wave sound and feel the sea breeze and ideal for taking romantic strolls along Kalives Bay.
We cannot promise you luxury and expensive treats, what we can promise you is that we will Welcome you as a family and do our best to service you always with a smile and a friendly attitude
Apokoros Rooms vary to: Family rooms with two bedrooms four single beds kitchen with sitting room sofa bed, Apartment: with two bedrooms four single beds-kitchen with sitting room, Studio: two single beds, Triple: two single beds open folded bed. All have basic kitchenette, all needed utensils for the kitchen, coffee makers, water cooker, fridge, two ring stove, and en suite toilet and shower; all with air-condition and/ or fans and 1-3 balconies with great views.
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