Au-Pair Wanted

ID SMS4332244
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Au-Pair Wanted

Hi to all Nannies/Au-pairs...
I am Marc
Single American father of one child, a handsome boy (10yrs),energetic,delightful and beautiful and fun to be with. We live in a friendly environment with Lovely people in Germany of Rheinlanpfalz area. just Moved here from the Unitet States of Amerika/St Petersburg Florida.
I work full time and need assistance throughout the work week. I am free to care for the kid more often on the weekend, so your weekend requirements will be less
I do not require much babysitting in the evening which means that you are free to enjoy this time as you wish.You will also have the opportunity of having your own private Room Telephone and Internet are included,i will paying you 800€ a month and you will get other benefits,Life health incurance and what ever you need to live with us.
We are less than a mile (1.6 kms) from a Metro stop that can take you all over the city.Kaiserslautern is a very international city and offers many types of restaurants and many activities. There are also lots of chances to learn English and German in the many schools available in the area.
We do not have any pets. We enjoy outdoor activities as the weather here is great most of the year, but we do get all four seasons. We enjoy biking and sporting events as well as a day at the zoo or park along the river . We would like a nanny or au pair who will come a part of the Familie and enjoy their time with us.
If we sound like your kind of family, and you are looking for a job covering the dates we need someone, we would love to talk to you! Please add us to your Favourites List and we will respond. my Email....
Best regards
Marc O Guste + Son Email...
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A good and experienced driver is required to drive my wife privately for a period of 3 month. My wife will be visiting Germany from
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250,00 €
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