Trade specialist

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ID VH7620064
24100 Wuhu China
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Trade specialist

Trade specialist
We are a fast growing renewable energy information company with offices in UK and China, and we are looking for someone fluent in several languages to work within our trade department in China.
The job will start in summer2021, and will be an open contract with an 18-month minimum period.
ENF has been operating for 4 years, and we now have 30 staff. Our company has the world € s most popular website for information about companies in the solar power industry (our website is in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese and Japanese), we have a team of people making market research reports profiling the companies in the industry and we have a trade team assisting Western companies to purchase from Chinese manufacturers.
The job is in a city called Wuhu, which has low pollution and has less crime than England.

ENF will provide accommodation within a shared apartment with other employees. Salary will be low compared to UK but it will be around double the salary we pay to our Chinese staff and allows for a comfortable lifestyle in China. ENF will pay for your flight to and from China, and your visa application fees. In addition there are salary reviews every 6 months.
Key skill requirements
Candidates should be fluent in English and at least two other European languages. Some trade working experience is a strong plus.
The job requires good communication skills, some business aptitude, and an ability to absorb technical information about products.
The candidate doesn € t need to be able to speak any Chinese as all employees are fluent in English.
Job Details
The job will be to work in ENF s trade department, helping European companies to purchase solar products (in particular panels) from China.
You will be in direct contact with the customers wanting to purchase products, usually within the range of 100,000 to 20,000,000. The customers will pay a flat service fee for the trade team € s time, and the trade team will get quotes and sometimes bring the customers around the manufacturer € s factories for face-to-face negotiations.
Chinese colleagues (who are fluent in English) will be working on the sourcing side, but you will need to continuously learn about the market and products, as well as looking for new strategic opportunities for the trade team.
Further Information about Wuhu
It is important for us that our new staff are stable and happy, so we would like to point out a few potential negatives to potential candidates:
- There is little night life and bars in the city as Chinese people prefer to drink in restaurants. This means that people who like to go out drinking a lot will be disappointed with the social options.
- We are based in real China. Unlike Beijing and Shanghai, there are very few foreigners in Wuhu so if you just want to hang around with Europeans only there won t be much choice.
On the positive side the city is well developed and clean. There are some global supermarket chains in the city showing food labels in English, and large department stores which make shopping easy.
Although there is only one English-language TV channel, the company has a DVD library with over 1000 DVDs for the staff to borrow.
Note: We do not want any applications from Chinese nationals at this time. We will be recruiting new Chinese staff in Q42021, and Chinese nationals are invited to keep an eye on the famous job websites in China for these opportunities.
Please apply in English to:, using € Trade specialist € in the subject line.
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