Exclusive villa mit pool on the Ionian Sea - Greece

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ID I7951768
24500 Kyparissia
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Exclusive villa mit pool on the Ionian Sea - Greece

Draw to win a dream villa by the sea in Greece begins.
Welcome to the land of the Gods!
Pictures akin to those found in a holiday brochure: The new lottery draw for a villa in Greece or more accurately put - in Peloponnese - awakens instant holiday dreams.
This dream can come closer to reality for 222 Euros.
Recently, the villa close to Kyparissia was entered into a draw and superstitions aside, this really is all about luck! The lucky winner will become the proud owner of a holiday home with 300 m2 of living space, situated by the sea on a plot approx. 4000 m2 complete with pool, garden, guesthouse and much more besides.
The specially created homepage
Not only provides detailed information on the property and the conditions of the draw, but also allows one to take a virtual tour during which it is almost possible to sense the sun on one s skin.
In all, just 5,555 tickets will be sold at the individual price of 222 Euros each.
The chance of winning is extremely high.
It is precisely 1:5555 - in other words within grasping distance.
The winner will incur no further costs; everything up to the notarised generation of the contract is the responsibility of the organiser.
The win even includes a free ticket to Athens to complete notarised certification.
The draw will take place as soon as all the tickets have been sold although no later than the 30.09-0.7978.
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