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What is DNS
DNS is an abbreviation for Det N dvendige Seminarium, which in English means The Necessary Teacher Training College. DNS started in 1972 in Tvind, Ulfborg, Denmark and has influenced many educators in Denmark and further proved with its pragmatic approach that through teaching and educating it can be at the forefront regarding pedagogical issues.
In 1993, the second DNS started - in Mozambique, where there was a great need for an education for teachers in rural areas, where development is most urgently needed. Later on more DNS colleges sprung up in Mozambique and Angola, in the wake of the success of Escola de professores do Futuro in Maputo. At present there are seven DNS colleges in Mozambique and six in Angola.
In 1996 Humana People to People signed agreements with the Ministries of Education in Mozambique and in Angola about establishing the EPF Teacher Training Colleges in all provinces. Since then 11 colleges have started, and the graduated DNS teachers are at present teaching more than 100.000 children in the rural areas of these two countries.
Another 15 teacher training colleges, based on the DNS idea have since opened in Mozambique, Angola and Malawi.
DNS is an international teacher training college with a learning-by-doing approach. The programme is untraditional and challenging Study trip to Asia, extensive teaching practice in Africa, social work with youngsters in Denmark and covers a wide variety of theoretical and practical skills, lots of experiences inside many areas and emphasis of personal development of the future teacher through big challenges.
DNS is exceptional because the education does not change in order to live up to present-day desires for renewed qualifications. Rather in its entire educational programme and in its constant and dynamic dialogue with the world around it, it is part of foreseeing the present - and thus becomes trend setting.
Around the world there is a great need for capable teachers. Teachers who can, through their teaching abilities, achieve something out of the ordinary. Teachers who are trained amply in multiple skills and who have many and important life experiences from the world and its future, from their own country, from children and young people as such, from learning and changing - and thus can deliver and catalyze the world of knowledge and essence to the next generation.
As a student in the DNS program you can regard yourself as part of a global movement. When facing huge tasks like education and development in rural areas, it is needed that many forces join hands. This is the road to actually influencing and changing the situation. This is also a tremendous inspiration to you as an individual teacher, who in this way will see your efforts as part of something bigger.
DNS in Denmark has so far trained app. 500 teachers that are now all over the world, teaching, training, educating, managing and leading.
Next team starts on the 1st of August.