ARE YOU OUR NEW LOCAL BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE?Sorry our German is insufficientPortal launch in January2021WE OFFER - a Sincere Business Opportunity -PARTNERSHIP for a SELF EMPLOYED PROFESSIONAL- we especially need some reps for European & Asian Countries !For our global internet portal about linking business and social needs (i.e. tourist, entertainment, property, jobs, business, market/ goods) we are looking for- a self employed professional as our country / local representative .A partnership that will particularly benefit if you are in the (off line) business of management consultancy and/ or tradeThe direct profit will be a durable income on advertising.Your task is (local) content management , web-advertising services and to set up a local service / agent network.For sure we both need confidence in a possible partnership- we want the best professional with a proven track record, solid reputation, commercial attitude to build up local / national business contactsThis as your success will be ours and also (in general) will have only need 1 representative for each country.We require a modest start up and yearly licensee fee (to cover our costs) for our system/ hosting, management support and additional Webdesign.Keep in mind that you will have initial costs and have to invest time to establish the business but it would be for sure a lucrative business.If you will fit the profile, we will send additional information and we definitely will meet (face 2 face) to discuss details and the contract.Send your application letter (only self employed professionals !) with motive and resume to email addressmailto:linkingbusinessportal(at)