The Second International Uzbek Cotton Fair, Tashkent, October 17-18,2021
The Second International Uzbek Cotton Fair
Tashkent, October 17-18,2021
Organized by the Government of Uzbekistan
in cooperation with
International Cotton Advisory Committee
and Cotton Outlook
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
It is a great honor to invite you and your company to participate in the II International Uzbek Cotton Fair organized by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the International Cotton Advisory Committee and Cotton Outlook. The Fair to be held on October 17-18,2021 in Tashkent.
1st International Uzbek Cotton Fair was organized and held in October,2021. Taking into account final results of the event was decided to host Uzbek cotton fair on the regular annual basis.
During the coming Fair the participants will enjoy opportunity to partake in auction and purchase high quality Uzbek cotton through the trade sessions on foreign exchange pit of Uzbek Commodity Exchange, and set up close longstanding relations and to arrange contracts with Uzbek companies which are playing leading role in cotton trade.
Also, during the Fair will be organized round table discussions and bilateral negotiations between the exporters and consumers of Uzbek cotton.
Moreover, participants will take opportunity to be acquainted with features of Uzbek cotton defining its highest quality, the latest know-how in cotton production as well as trade and logistics.
Hope to personally greet you at our Fair.
Elyor Ganiev
Minister of Foreign Economic Relations,
Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Organizing Committee of the Fair
The Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Address: 1, Shevchenko street, 700029, Tashkent
Fax: 998-71-138-50-57E-mail: cotton(at)