Volunteer in Africa!CICD (College for Interna
Volunteer in Africa!CICD (College for International Co-operation and Development) and Humana People to People movement are looking for volunteers. You can contribute to the fight against AIDS and poverty by joining the Development Instructor programme.A life changing experience for yourself and the people in Africa you work with!You can work in:-Child Aid-Pre-school programmes-HIV/ AIDS prevention-Environment and tree planting-Social work with street children-EducationPrevious qualifications are not needed!You need to be 18, hardworking, motivated and flexible.14 months programme-6 months training in Denmark or England (learning language, culture, history and more about Africa, getting practical knowledge etc)-6 months development work at a project in Africa-2 months evaluation and information work (sharing your new skills and knowledge with new volunteers)WIR SPRECHEN AUCH DEUTSCH