Pioneer CDJ 1000 MK3 pair and DJM 800 Mixer Set 1500Eur

1.500,00 €
ID D6768706
YO264WX England
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Pioneer CDJ 1000 MK3 pair and DJM 800 Mixer Set 1500Eur

The DJ set will be shipped from York ,UKPioneer CDJ 1000 MK3 pair and DJM 800 Mixer Compete Set BONUS 2 CDJ carry cases (2) Pioneer CDJ 1000 MKIII and DJM 800 Mixer Complete DJ Set 2 Pioneer CDJ 1000 MKIII cd units and 1 Pioneer DJM 800 Mixer. These items have been used very lightly and are in mint condition (I can send pictures)these items have never left my studio they are in 1000% working condition. They were purcahsed by me about a year ago as my extra back up set, all of these items will come with boxes and paper work,also the djm 800 had the optional knob kit added to replace the fader kit which i will also include in the auction, also included in this auction is a set of Oddesey carry cases for the cjd units. This is a once in a lifetime deal to own the worlds leading dj equipment it gets no better then these 3 units and they are offered here today. For pictures or other info my email address: nfs48
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